Wir freuen uns, dass Tim aus Hamburg nun von Favourite Models vertreten wird. Favourite Models ist eine Agentur, die im Bereich commercial angesiedelt ist. Sein Link.. We like to announce that model Tim K. from Hamburg is now represented by Favourite Models, Germany, an agency specialised on Commercial. His link.
wir sind stolz, dass durch unseren Scout Marcel die zauberhafte Elisa nun von AWA in Hamburg und amaze Models in Frankfurt vertreten wird.Ihr Link zu amaze. We are proud to announce that the lovely Elisa will now be presented by AWA models Hamburg and by amaze models in Frankfurt. She was scouted by our Marcel Yao. Her link to amaze.
Wir freuen uns, dass durch unseren scout Marcel Yao Kelly Sue nun von AWA, Mostwanted und amaze vertreten wird. Wir sind sicher, dass dieses Ausnahmemodel sehr erfolgreich wird! Ihr Link zu AWA Models . Happy to announce that Kelly Sue from Germany is now represented by three of German leading agencies (AWA, Mostwanted and amaze). She was discovered by scout Marcel Yao. We are sure she will rock it! Her link to AWA Models Hamburg.
Happy to announce that Berlin- based Model Vico is now with AWA Models Hamburg. He showed his talent not only at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin in July 2015. His link to AWA Models. Congratulations!
We are proud to announce that the internationally experienced model Curtis Reid from the UK is now with AWA Models Hamburg. They will be his mother agency and present him to agencies in the US and Asia. His link.. Good luck, Curtis
We are happy to announce that Benedikt from Germany is now on the board of our new agency partner 40graus Models in Rio de Janeiro/Brasil. All the best to u, Bene. His link
Happy to announce that Marcus from Cologne is now on the board of curve model management in Hamburg. His link.
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